2 hours ago -
Terra Willy: Planète inconnue (original title)
Plot: Upon the destruction of their ship, Willy is separated from his parents. He lands on a wild and unexplored planet and with the help of Buck, a survival robot, he will have to hold until the arrival of a rescue mission.
Genre: Animation | Adventure | Comedy
IMDB Rating: 6.6/10 From 2,431 Users
Rotten Rating: 100%
Metacritic Rating: N/A
Directed by: Eric Tosti
Starring: Landen Beattie , Jason Anthony , Edouard Baer
Release Name: Terra.Willy.Unexplored.Planet.2019.720p.WEB.H264-DiRT
Size: 1.09GB
Video: MKV | 1280×720 | 1 605 kb/s | 23.976 FPS
Audio: English | AAC | 128 kb/s
Runtime: 1 h 29 min