11 hours ago -
Title: Planet Hulk (2010)
Genres: Animation, Action, Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi
Description: Tired of dealing with the Hulk, Iron Man and his compatriots send the creature to an uninhabited planet, only for him to divert it to a savage populated one. Once there, the Hulk is enslaved as a gladiator for an evil ruler's games where no one expects him to survive. However, the Hulk's might proves everyone wrong to the point where some suspect he is the prophesied deliverer of that world. Although the Hulk does not care about such things, he still finds himself being a catalyst that could change the fate of the world.
Director: Sam Liu
Writer: Greg Pak (comic book), Carlo Pagulayan (comic book), Greg Johnson (screen story), Craig Kyle (screen story), Joshua Fine (screen story), Greg Johnson (screenplay), Stan Lee (The Incredible Hulk created by), Jack Kirby (The Incredible Hulk created by), Jose Ladronn (original comics designs), Lucio Parrillo (original comics designs), Aaron Lopresti (original comics designs)
Actors: Rick D. Wasserman, Lisa Ann Beley, Mark Hildreth, Liam O'Brien
Rating: 6.8
Votes: 12405
Rated: PG-13
Runtime: 81 min
Name: Planet Hulk 2010 1080p BluRay H264 AAC
Format: mp4
Size: 1.55 GB
Width: 1920 pixels
Height: 1080 pixels
Format: AVC
Codec: avc1
Duration: 01:21:07
Bit rate: 2500 Kbps
Frame rate: 23.976 fps
Aspect ratio: 16:9
Subtitles: N/A
Audio track: 1
Language: N/A
Codec: mp4a-40-2
Bit rate: 224 Kbps
Compression: Lossy
Sampling rate: 48 Khz